Saturday, December 27, 2008

The end is nigh and Happy New Year

Last entry before signing off 23 Things.
I have just reviewed the Social bookmarking section and a lot more has sunk into my tired brain. I will now continue to keep learning new skills with the Web 2.0 technology (and refer to my notes to refresh my memory from time to time!!)
Every time I check out another aspect, the lightbulb gets a bit brighter.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Nearly finished

Well, this has certainly been a steep learning curve, but what fun things I've learnt!
I still haven't decided yet whether I will join Facebook as I have been told it can be susceptible to virus attacks.
I'm very pleased with myself that I finally mastered imbedding video's after hours of frustration.
Before I sign off 23 Things, I aim to revisit the sessions in an effort to absorb more detail.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Mashups mashed up

Home sick this week so have back into 23Thinging by revisiting Mashups to actually create one. Had great fun creating a map of countries I've visited, but once again like my efforts with Youtube, the darn thing would not imbed in my blog.
Have now read through 'known issues' and have come to the conclusion I actually have an imbedding problem with this particular blog as I am getting the message that the task is being processed then done, but nothing appears on the blog!
Oh well, I'll keep trying and maybe something will eventually work.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

failing at imbedding videos

I was trying to imbed the video on Scottish Country Dancing at this point but although I know what steps to follow, it still failed and I have an empty post!

Google Docs Rock!

Wow, have just had a look at Google Docs and I am soooooo impressed! I will have to think of some really cool thing to create on this platform.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Looking at answerboards

Well for the past three days of my annual leave I have been working my way through further sessions and checking back on ones I have already done. I should be away travelling but my sister's motorhome is being repaired and they keep sending the wrong parts from Sydney. Yesterday and most of today I have been very ill with a nasty virus so I suppose it is just as well I couldn't pass it on to my sister and brother-in-law!
Anyway, I digress........I have been checking out the answerboards and felt I preferred the appearance of Yahoo answers. I looked at a few questions and found the answers quite interesting and some plain silly. The Librarians answerboard was a good one which I feel BCCLS could be incorporating into our website.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Scottish country dance - what it is

Scottish country dance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

YouTube - Scottish Country Dancing Burns Night 2

YouTube - Scottish Country Dancing Burns Night 2

I would like to share this video with you, as this is what I do for fun and exercise. Scottish Country dancing can be done without partners as everyone joins into the formations (or sets) and ladies frequently dance on the male side. The club I belong to is at The Gap and they are the loveliest bunch of people you could ever meet. We dance from 8 -10pm on Wednesdays and then we share a cuppa and a lively chat before we go home.
If anyone is interested in joining us, contact me for details. Beginners classes are run at Spring Hill from about March to August.

Llansamlet Library -my very first library Llansamlet Library

This is a link to the library I joined at the age of five. I isn't actually the same building......when I studied the map, I can see it was moved (obviously to larger new premises) around to the next road just along from the primary school I attended. This was called Peniel Green Junior Primary School but it was decommissioned in the 60's. The library was on my route home, so if I was late home from school, my mother always knew I'd be at the library looking for the 'Little Women' series or 'Biggles'! (Mothers didn't have to worry so much about their kids in those days)
I notice that the spelling of 'Peniel' on the address of the library is now spelt 'Penial', which is probably the Welsh spelling. There was a revival of the Welsh language in the 60's so now all street signs are in dual languages as they are in Scotland and Ireland. Llansamlet Library Llansamlet Library

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mind your 24 Things

Well I've worked my way through half the steps in 24 Things but have all sorts of excuses for not adding my thoughts to the blog each session and now I'm going on hols for 4 weeks!
I have been fascinated by the links in Flickr and all the info videos, looked at a few other staff blogs to see what they are doing, added some RSS feeds to my gmail ( I have not added any to this blog yet, but will do so when I get chance), registered on the library wiki and added threads and comments, etc, and I have watched the Youtube demo video.
I find I'm very excited by the simplicity and range of the Web 2.0 technology and the how we will be able to apply it to future communications in BCCLS. The implications are quite mind-boggling!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

These things are sent to try us!

I am slowly getting the hang of this! I am hampered by time constraints at work and slow dial-up at home. I have decided I will bite the bullet, dig deeper into my pockets and subcribe to broadband after my holidays in October.

Friday, September 12, 2008

I hope I know what I'm doing here!

Here we,go starting on a very steep learning curve for this Baby Boomer! I keep reading the tips and ideas and blogs from all the brave folk who have started on the path already.....and then most of it goes out of my (aching) head when I'm faced with what to do next.
I'm sure the steps will all fall into place at some stage (they will won't they???) After all I was keen and excited right from the start when it was announced all those years ago (seems like yesterday!)that BCCLS was entering the 20th Century and going to online circulation.

I have assisted many staff over these years with the mysteries of Dynix and now Unicorn and have been very proud of my skills. However with Web 2 technology I'm feeling much out of my depth. Recently I have been mastering Picasa at home to manage my digital photos, so at least I'm getting some experience.